Managing Partner & CEO, Mr. Mubashir Naqvi visits Addis & GARP
May 15, 2012

MCG Managing Partner and CEO, Mr. Mubashir Naqvi visited Ethiopia and monitered the progress on the project.











MCG wins Pakistan 100 awards held at Lahore, Pakistan
March 09, 2012

MCG is termed as one of the start up companies to watch for future. 

The work on Main Rice Mills has entered into a new phase.
February 22, 2012

Mill Civil Works have now been significantly completed to start the phase of PEBs erection. In this regard, the erection phase LC for Mabani Steel has already been opened by SSAD, meeting all formalities for them to commence erection work. Presently, the construction team is busy in making steel forms for the cantilever slab. The slab work of entrance end of the span has been completed. Third intake pit was also completed and preparations were being to pour slab concrete around this area. Adam Construction requires moving the PEB equipment away from slab for aligning and placing Anchor Bolts for PEBs. 

Visit of Donald E. Booth (United States Ambassador, Ethiopia) to Gambella Alwero Rice Project (GARP)
January 17, 2012

After the visit of His Excellency Sheikh Ahmed Al Amoudi, American Ambassador to Ethiopia Mr. Donald Booth along with his wife Anita Booth and other members visited the main site of GARP Project and nursery area. They were briefed on the GARP by Mr. Tariq Aijaz Qureshi. They also visited several cropping areas and construction sites and were amazed and pleased with the current ongoing progress in Ethiopia related to growth of crop on such a large scale by MCG. They were also presented with Rice Sample of the crop.

20 HA area in the Nursery brought under cultivation
December 31, 2011
Care of about 1600 Neem Plants, planted on the boundary of Nursery site is undertaken to grow them as a shelterbelt against windstorms. Trees of Neem, mango, ornamental plants and flowers etc, numbering in hundreds are planted at the Main Farm and Nursery Site and are being looked after properly. Improved method of nursery sowing, i.e. wet bed method is tested and standardized according to the agro –ecological conditions.
MCG wins Pakistan 100 awards held at Istanbul, Turkey
December 05, 2011

MCG is termed as one of the start up companies to watch for future. 

Irrigation contract signed between GRC Pakistan & SSAD PLC
November 16, 2011

SSAD PLC signed an Irrigation Contract with GRC Pakistan; it is expected that GRC will get cracking on Main Canal Construction as soon as possible.

Import of Human Resource from Pakistan
October 11, 2011

MCG imported Human Resources from Pakistan, local workers are also being imparted skills and knowledge of field and farm operations / processes regarding rice farming and production, land leveling and its preparation, seed bed preparation, nursery sowing, nursery management, nursery uprooting, transportation and transplanting, and fertilizer broadcasting, irrigation, weeding, rogue out off type plants, dike making, harvesting, threshing, drying etc. MCG will stop importing foreign personnel once the locals are fully trained.

Precision Land Leveling on 112 HA of the land.
August 31, 2011

The area was divided into two sub lands: rain fed area, controlled irrigational area. About 42HA has the irrigational setup for controlled irrigation however the remaining 70HA is rain fed area. Of the 42HA MCG has successfully transplanted the rice into an area of 17 HA and the remaining 25 HA has been directly seeded and all measures had been completed for the rain fed transplantation.

MCG has produced & safely stored about 150 MT of long grain rice seeds pertaining to 4 different rice varieties
July 31, 2011

MCG has produced & safely stored about 150 MT of long grain rice seeds pertaining to 4 different rice varieties; enough for planting of rice crops in all main site area.

Establishment of Mint Rice Research & Farming Center at Soa Asal, Pakistan
June 15, 2011

Mint Consulting Goup (MCG) has established a Research & Farming center on an area of around 2 Hectares (Ha) at Soa Asal, Pakistan.

Import of a Mini Rice Mill from Pakistan
May 09, 2011

MCG has imported a Mini Rice Mill from Pakistan to process about 120 MT of surplus rice seed and paddy into polished rice. This Mini Rice Mill will be processing produce planted in main area until Main Rice Mill becomes functional.

(Saudi Star Agriculture Development) SSAD PLC delegation visited the project area at Gambella.
February 11, 2011


MCG Team guiding SSAD PLC delegation to the project site 


Fig 1: SSADPLC Delegation is being briefed by Dr. Muhammad Manzoor khan, MCG Director (Technical) on the progress of the project (GARP)


Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Ali Al Amoudi briefing the Ethioping media on project progress  



SSAD PLC Delegation on a round to Seed Multiplication Center with guests and staff of MCG and NESPAK.



Fig 4.

SSAD PLC Delegation is being briefed by Dr. Muhammad Manzoor khan, MCG Director Technical on the progress of the project (GARP)



Director Rice Milling, Islam Akhtar Khan explaining progress on Rice Milling and Processing Plant



 Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Ali Al Amoudi with MCG team at Gambella 



President & Ceo MCG, Mubashir Naqvi with President & Ownder SSAD PLC, Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Ali Al Amoudi 

Mint Consulting Group (MCG) short lists second batch of field workers for GARP Project in Ethiopia
September 15, 2010

Mint Consulting Group (MCG) short listed another batch for its ongoing agriculture project in Gambella region, Ethiopia. Workers shortlisted in the second batch compromises of foremen, field assistants, field men and cooks. 

Implementation of Human Resource & Payroll System (HRPS)
September 01, 2010

Mint Consulting Group implemented Human Resource & Payroll System (HRPS) for its on-going agriculture project in Ethiopia. With the implementation of HRPS, the Human Resource department at MCG head office will be able to process fair attendance of all the technical, semi-technical and field staff engaged in the agriculture project at Ethiopia.

Mint Consulting Group (MCG) dispatches first batch of new employees to Gambella, Ethiopia
July 20, 2010

MCG's team of field workers including Block Manager, Field Assistant, Foremen and tractor drivers has reached the project site Gambella, Ethiopia and has started working on the project.

Mint Consulting Group (MCG) meets Saudi Star Agriculture Development PLC (SSAD) regarding Irrigation Design and Layout finalization for Galbella Alwero Rice Project (GARP)
June 20, 2010

Mr. Mubashir Naqvi (Managing Partner, MCG) visited Addis Ababa, Ethiopia for meeting with Saudi Star Agriculture Development PLC (SSAD) regarding irrigation design and layout finalization for agriculture project in Ethiopia.

Mint Consulting Group (MCG) meets stakeholders of Gambella Alwero Rice Project (GARP) in Ethiopia
March 15, 2010

Mr. Mubashir Naqvi (Managing partner, MCG) visited Ethiopia for a meeting with the stake holders of Gambella Alwero Rice Project (GARP). The purpose of meeting was to define realistic timelines and responsibilities for carrying out the project in future.

Kashmir Overseas Employment Services (KOES) join hands with Mint Consulting Group (MCG)
February 09, 2010

Kashmir Overseas Employment Services (KOES) is associated organization of MCG. KOES provides services for the recruitment of manpower for overseas employment with an expertise on hiring agricultural manpower. Currently, KOES is hiring agricultural staff for MCG's Galbella Alwero Rice Project in Ethiopia.

Mint Consulting Group (MCG) and Saudi Star Agriculture Development, (SSAD PLC) high level delegation visits India and Thailand in connection with rice milling plants and manufacturing facilities
December 14, 2009

Mint Consulting Group (MCG) And Saudi Star Agriculture Development (SSAD) high level delegation visited india and Thailand in connection with rice milling plant and also visited the manufacturing facilities. After a thorough research, the selection of a manufacturing company for the rice milling plant at Ethiopia has also been made.

Mint Consulting Group (MCG) & Saudi Star Agriculture Development (SSAD) meeting in Dubai to finalize technical details of Rice Milling Plant
November 19, 2009

High level Teams of MCG & SSAD met in Dubai with representatives of Rice Plant Manufacturers. Rice milling plant manufacturers representatives attended the meeting and discuss various technicalities of the plant. Technical evaluation about the installation of the rice milling plant capacity and other details were done during the meeting and a visit to the respective countries were finalized to visit the installed milling plants by the manufacturers.

Saudi Star Agriculture Development, PLC (SSAD) in collaboration with Mint Consulting Group (MCG) is setting up the biggest and largest rice milling plant of Africa in Ethiopia.
October 19, 2009

MCG has engaged world top class milling plant manufacturing companies to install Rice Milling Plant at the project site in Ethiopia. The milling plant will be well equipped with the latest technology and will be capable of handling bulk amount of rice. The milling plant will be the largest milling plant of Africa which is to be installed in Ethiopia at project site. MCG rice milling plant expert is working on it for the installation of the milling plant.

Mint Consulting Group (MCG) & Saudi Star Agriculture Development (SSAD) sign a contract for execution and end-to-end management of Agriculture Project in Ethiopia
October 19, 2009

Mint Consulting Group (MCG) signed a contract with Saudi Star Agriculture Development PLC (SSAD) for an agriculture project in Ethiopia. 

NESPAK is executing an irrigation design on the project for Mint Consulting Group (MCG)
September 28, 2009

A formal agreement has been made between SSAD & NESPAK regarding the scope of work of the consulting services for the designing of the irrigation channel which was coordinated by MCG. The designing of the irrigation channel is under progress in consultation with MCG technical experts who will share technical information as well as project irrigation channel requirement information with NESPAK and will work in close cooperation to facilitate Nespak in designing well equipped irrigation channel along with its establishment.

Skilled manpower will be recruited for the mega agricultural project under MCG.
July 15, 2009

As part of Ethiopia agricultural project manpower requirements, Mint Consulting Group (MCG) has been given the lead role to recruit the project skilled manpower which includes agricultural farmers, agriculture technicians etc to bring capable & skilled manpower resources to make project a success.

Mubashir Naqvi leads the MCG team to Ethiopia for a meeting with Saudi Star Agriculture Development, SSAD PLC in Addis.
July 13, 2009

Mubashir naqvi, Managing Partner MCG, lead the MCG project Team to Ethiopia to coordinate the meeting with SSAD in Addis to plan the ongoing project activities and done clear demarcation of duties and responsibilities for the execution of the project. 

MCG team of Experts reaches Gambella and start work on the project.
May 23, 2009

MCG team of agricultural experts including, agronomist, irrigation scientist, soil scientist, farm manager, plant pathologist, entomologist, milling plants specialist, agricultural engineers and other technical experts have reached project site, Gambella to supervise the project activities as well as implementation and monitoring of planned activities at site. The experts are working in close cooperation with SSAD who will be facilitating MCG team of experts. 

Job opportunities at MCG Pakistan
March 07, 2009

As part of project manpower requirements MCG has advertised in the local newspaper for the various positions for Ethiopia project. The positions are in the area of project managements, agricultural professionals and technicians and support staff. 

Mint Consulting Group (MCG) signs an MOU with NESPAK
January 05, 2009

Mint Consulting Group (MCG)-Pakistan and National Engineering Services of Pakistan (NESPAK) has signed a MOU on 10th November 2008, for the land development and irrigation channel development for agricultural purposes for one of MCG’s mega agricultural project in Africa, being end to end project manager on behalf of the client . This MOU was signed by Mr. Mubashir Naqvi -Managing Partner, Mint Consulting Group (MCG)-Pakistan and Mr. Hassan Javaid Afridi - General Manager/Head (Water Resources), NESPAK. According to this MOU, NESPAK will have field visit of the project site and would come up with a proposal to execute the assignment. This project will result into food sufficiency drive and economical strengthening of the project country.

Sofrecom hires MCG as a consultant
December 15, 2008

Mint Consulting Group (MCG)-Pakistan has been hired as consultant by Sofrecom. It provides expertise on fast-growing markets worldwide. MCG’s unique know-how and ability to add value in telecom sector enable it to provide support in all the fields essential to a success of a project: marketing and distribution, organization and processes, information systems, networks and services.

Its intimate knowledge of the telecoms operator business and of information and communication technologies, its numerous references, and its worldwide network of partners make Sofrecom a very much appreciated advisor by governments, investors and international financial organizations.

Sofrecom is present all over the world through its own offices and through local agencies: Algeria, Argentina, France (headquarters), Indonesia, Jordan, Morocco, Poland, U.A.E. and Vietnam.

Augere Pakistan appoints Mint Consulting Group (MCG) as consultant
December 04, 2008

Mint Consulting Group (MCG)-Pakistan has been hired as consultant by Augere Pakistan- A global Wimax operator, which is going to launch its first commercial operations soon in Pakistan. MCG has been hired as a Consultant by Augere Pakistan to design, plan, advice and facilitate it, in setting up its commercial set up in Pakistan. Augere is an upcoming and progressive international group comprising of top telecommunication executives & experts, backed by France Telecom aiming to be a dominant global player in the near future.

MCG's team led by Mubashir Naqvi as lead consultant has taken up the task and actively working on developing strategic and execution plan and team building, all ending up in successful commercial launch.

MCG moves to its new office
November 11, 2008

MCG has moved to its new office at 49 Bridge Colony Lahore Cantonment